Before & After School

Our Programs

Early-morning care will be available for Children’s House and Elementary students from 7 a.m. until the beginning of your child’s classroom day. During this low-key time, children typically play games, work with crafts, build with blocks, or read. At the end of this period, a staff member will escort young children to their respective classrooms while the older, more independent students go to their classrooms on their own.

Before School Drop-in is available for Children’s House and Upper Elementary students for $28.00. Click here to register for Before School Drop-in.

If you want to add Before School Care or After School Care for the upcoming school year, please contact the Business Office.

The Aftercare Program begins at the end of the regular school day. During the 2024/25 school year, Aftercare will last until 4:45 PM, consisting of special, structured programs, clubs, sports activities, outside playtime, and reading.

Drop-in Aftercare is available for Elementary students for $49.00. Click here to register for the Aftercare program.


New Late Aftercare program to come in the new school year 2025-2026:

The Late Aftercare Program begins at the end of the regular school day. During the 2025/26 school year, Late Aftercare will last until 6:00 PM, consisting of special, structured programs, clubs, sports activities, outside playtime, and reading.

Register for After Care Drop-in

Register for Before Care Drop-in

Hours of Operation

TIME Event
Toddler (Full Day) Age 18 mos - 3 years
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Children’s House (AM) Age 3 and under only
8:20 AM - 11:30 AM
Children’s House Age 2.9 years - 6 years
8:20 AM - 2:45 PM
Lower Elementary Grades 1 - 3
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Upper Elementary Grades 4 - 6
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Early Before School Care Not available for Toddlers in 2025/26
7:00 AM - start of school day
Before School Care Not available for Toddlers in 2025/26
after 7:30 AM - start of school day
After School Care
End of school day - 4:45 PM